Saturday, January 9, 2010

i could literally DIE!!

I need to get back home....these guys can't go on without hanging with their aunty ren! they are too damn adorable. so are the parents, grandparents in the photos you all!

Side note: why does Seth remind me of BJ Penn in the first photo? hahahaha!

i feel...

all images via ifyouweretherebeware

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Eve...installment 3: bottles, bottles, bottles..

Bottles in every picture. They were everywhere. At one point I had a HUGE bottle of Grey Goose and kept pouring it in peoples mouths. Who do I think I am? Jameson, Grey Goose, Veuve....made for a great time!

New Years Eve...installment 2: crowd shots

I had a great time. Thanks to the Gaff for making it happen. Good shit. BYOB was the best thing on a New Years Eve.

New Years Eve...installment 1: Ren and Jade.

Photos by Justin...thanks!

(our parents would be proud, especially with that bottle of Jamey that wouldn't leave my hand all night.)