Sunday, July 26, 2009

iPhone pics

daddy's visit...

My daddy and little brother came to visit Jade and I this weekend. It was really a lot of fun. My brother, Jay is hilarious. He is going to grow up to be such an awesome dude. I took a lot of iphone pictures, not so much with my camera, but here are some...

Times Square fun!!






Here is a video where I explain Jay's bet....

This is the salad before...

and after! He did it!



I took them on the Staten Island Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty...




I thoroughly enjoyed my time hanging out with them, they are really funny guys. They crack me up. Especially when then get into their tiffs. Hilarious. Good time,..who knows when I'll see them next. :(

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

rennie's ready...

to get her groove back. hahahaha, fuckin cheesy, but i need to get back into the social world. this home crap is BS. however i HAVE been trying to work out a little, which is nice. something positive, i need to get into shape, i am so out of it. age is catching up with me. damnit, wish i could stop time.

I worked out with this guy last night:

hahahahahahaha! he's hilarious. always makes mistakes and tries to hide it, but there's no hiding it. ohhh Gilad.

oh yeah, plus he's repping in Hawaii, check out that beautiful backdrop. da aina.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

"no more depressing blog posts" stint is OVER

"time heals"

that's what they say isn't it? well maybe when there are multiple culprits it's a different story? because time is not making anything better, just worse from what i can tell. i've gotten it from all angles these past 6 months, after the other....never ending. if it's not one thing it's another. been surprised many a time by the most unexpected people, at the most unexpected times. positive thinking usually brings back the light. i'm keeping that going,..doing my best at least...

i'm still waiting.....

please? ;)

williamsburg street fair...

Every summer there is an Italian street fair that happens right around the corner from my new apartment. literally right around the corner. It is held on residential streets, right in front of peoples apartments. There are rides, and everything! I can hear the screams and music from my room. It's so awesome. I have never checked it out until this year. Kalani and I took a stroll through and I ate like a pig! The food was so good! Here are some pictures...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

big break

after weeks of going out and drinking at least 4 times a week, staying out til 3-430am, i am glad to say that i took an entire week off and haven't had a sip of alcohol or a step into a club since last wednesday. i did however step foot in a bar, just for an hour last night, but just for a water with the buds. (water for me, beer for them of course). it's been nice not feeling either obligated, or like i am missing out on something by not going out. a couple of weeks ago, i was all gung ho. I couldn't say no, no matter how hard i tried. if someone i knew was going out, i was going out. i couldn't resist. and i had an amazing time every single time i sacrificed sleep, so at least it was worth it. the last time i went out was last wednesday and it was the first time in a while that i went out and didn't have fun. it was weird, and it sucked haha. hopefully i can get back in the groove of things this week. i have a friend in town and might go get a drink with him tonight, and go see a friends DJ. then hopefully i can motivate myself to go out and dance tomorrow night, since i am off on Friday. i should go out and have some fun, i took a long enough break. we will see.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

D.O.A. bitches...

Jay-z's D.O.A. (Death Of Auto-tune)

i like.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

feels good....

I just saw this movie last was so good. well written, well acted...the story was so touching and sweet, and real. It's the shit we all think about and feel. but the love they share is like nothing i will ever experience. But it's amazing to watch. i held back from completely balling in the theater. if i let it go, it would have been out of control haha. here's the trailer....

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Fourth!!

The past few days have been the prettiest days of the year so far. I was lucky enough to have them off, so I could enjoy the outdoors. The parks, the gardens, the rooftops. I am so glad the weather was so beautiful yesterday, for the fourth of July. I had a LONG day. woke up around 1030, after not going out the night before, which was nice...then brunch on Emi's lawn/garden, then 2 rooftop parties in Bushwick and then the Jane Hotel til 3. Work this morning at 10. I'm dead tired, surprise, surprise.

Anyway, thanks to all my friends for spending the last 2 days with me. I was 2 of the best days of 2009 for me.

MET, central park and Nima's rooftop. Best day off ever.