Wednesday, July 15, 2009

big break

after weeks of going out and drinking at least 4 times a week, staying out til 3-430am, i am glad to say that i took an entire week off and haven't had a sip of alcohol or a step into a club since last wednesday. i did however step foot in a bar, just for an hour last night, but just for a water with the buds. (water for me, beer for them of course). it's been nice not feeling either obligated, or like i am missing out on something by not going out. a couple of weeks ago, i was all gung ho. I couldn't say no, no matter how hard i tried. if someone i knew was going out, i was going out. i couldn't resist. and i had an amazing time every single time i sacrificed sleep, so at least it was worth it. the last time i went out was last wednesday and it was the first time in a while that i went out and didn't have fun. it was weird, and it sucked haha. hopefully i can get back in the groove of things this week. i have a friend in town and might go get a drink with him tonight, and go see a friends DJ. then hopefully i can motivate myself to go out and dance tomorrow night, since i am off on Friday. i should go out and have some fun, i took a long enough break. we will see.

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