Monday, November 10, 2008

christmas wish....

so christmas is nearing and i need a new laptop. i decided to email my parents now, to give them advanced notice on what to get me. i know neither of them are willing to pay for the whole thing (even though my dad just bought my sister a macbook pro with a free itouch a couple months ago), so i asked them to contribute to my laptop fund. my mom responded and said she would contribute, but can't give an amount yet, and she is going to pass the word on to her parents to see if they would like to add to the fund as well. i am still waiting to hear back from the father, the one who bought my little sister a fancy ass laptop of her own. haha. i could never ask him to buy me one, especially after he just got jade one. but hopefully i can accumulate at least half the price, if not more. if any of you people, friends and randoms feel like contributing, please feel free. i will give you my account number and you can make the deposit straight to my citibank account. thanks!

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