Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Los Angeles here I come!

I just bought my ticket to LA. I have been wanting to visit Leila for so long, ever since she moved there and I finally get to! I have been so down in the dumps lately I realized I need time away from the city. So I check on ticket prices and realized it's pretty darn cheap to go to LA right now. So I made sure Leila would be free, requested off of work and BOOM, tickets purchased! Quick decision, but an easy one. I REALLY need this. Like more than I've needed anything before. Me and Leila, talking, chilling, laughing our asses off about stupid shit. It's going to be great. Lay out at her pool, go to the Rose Bowl flea market, shop, eat...sun. NY is really blowing it right now. It's not April anymore, so showers, GO AWAY!

My birthday is coming up in a few days, and we are doing a little something something at JJ and Kalani's place, which is right across the street from my place. I hope it ends up fun. It would be so easy for me to have a depressing birthday, that it might take more to make it a good one. I really hate planning and organizing things, especially for myself, so if shit happens, it happens. We'll see how it goes. I guess turning 29 isn't usually a spectacular event. Who knows, next year, when I turn fuckin 30 (!) I might just ignore the whole birthday thing all together. THAT will be depressing. Especially if I am still single with no direction. We'll just have to wait and see. Life is rough man. I'm doing the best I can.

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