Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mr. West... a very nice man. I know the name and description don't seem to go together, but it's true. Well from my perspective. Having met him yesterday, I would say the person he is off camera and off stage and unpublished, is a a very laid back, nice, grateful, sweet, normal person. I wouldn't believe myself either.

He literally came in and came straight up to me and my co worker and said "what's up" and shook our hands as we introduced ourselves. Then as he shopped around, he was really polite, making small talk and joking. Talking a little bit of business with his assistant and friend. He wasn't acting any certain way, just normal. It was refreshing to see him be so chill, because his image is totally the opposite. I have met or seen/worked with a bunch of celebrities now, and the majority of them are really cool and normal. They're rarely rude, or needy. And it makes me feel better about the world, for some reason.

He has shopped in our Hawaii store, so while in town he decided to stop by and check us out. He bought a couple pants and a pair of boots. He was grateful when leaving, and it was a really pleasant surprise that he was so genuine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, when he was in hawaii, my co-worker would see him playing ball at the central ymca like a regular dude. yeezy would give him the "wussup" head nod and everything.
